
Friday, June 10, 2011

Radiation levels up to ten times higher than normal in Tokyo

Terrified residents began to flee Tokyo today as a nuclear power plant destroyed by the tsunami threatened to send a cloud of radioactive dust across Japan.

The Fukushima Dai-ichi plant suffered a third reactor explosion overnight and another reactor on the site caught fire.

Radiation levels are soaring across the country this afternoon as radioactive material is spewed directly into the atmosphere - while emergency crews fight to avoid a catastrophic meltdown.

Levels of radiation were ten times higher than normal in the capital today, as experts warned that people in Japan could face an increased cancer risk even if the crisis does not deteriorate.

The situation is worse for 140,000 people who live within an 18-mile exclusion zone around the plant. They were today ordered to stay indoors or be exposed to a dangerous level of radiation.







Why, Where, How, and When We Might Leave Our Home Planet

Humanity may have millennia to find a new home in the universe--or just a few years!

Earth won’t always be fit for occupation. We know that in two billion years or so, an expanding sun will boil away our oceans, leaving our home in the universe uninhabitable—unless, that is, we haven’t already been wiped out by the Andromeda galaxy, which is on a multibillion-year collision course with our Milky Way. Moreover, at least a third of the thousand mile-wide asteroids that hurtle across our orbital path will eventually crash into us, at a rate of about one every 300,000 years.

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Biggest Full Moon in 19 Years

On March 19th, the moon will be closer to Earth than it's been since 1992. The full moon that night will appear about 14 percent larger and significantly brighter than usual, but despite the brightness, the supermoon has a dark side. Supermoons have been linked to massive natural disasters in the past, from earthquakes to floods--but that connection is typically touted by astrologists. Astronomers and scientists, with typical drollness, say a catastrophe is unlikely.

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How Does Nuclear Radiation Do Its Damage?

Ionizing radiation—the kind that minerals, atom bombs and nuclear reactors emit—does one main thing to the human body: it weakens and breaks up DNA, either damaging cells enough to kill them or causing them to mutate in ways that may eventually lead to cancer.

After last earthquake and tsunami in Japan, four nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are now damaged and releasing radiation. Workers trying to keep the reactors from getting worse are themselves being exposed, while the Japanese government has called for anyone within 20 kilometers of the plant to evacuate.

Nuclear radiation, unlike the radiation from a light bulb or a microwave, is energetic enough to ionize atoms by knocking off their electrons. This ionizing radiation can damage DNA molecules directly, by breaking the bonds between atoms, or it can ionize water molecules and form free radicals, which are highly reactive and also disrupt the bonds of surrounding molecules, including DNA...

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Where are the World's Nuclear Reactors

Interactive aftershock map : Japan Quake

Gravity satellite's Potato Earth & Virgin Oceanic ocean explorer

Gravity satellite yields 'Potato Earth' view

It looks like a giant potato in space.

And yet, the information in this model is the sharpest view we have of how gravity varies across the Earth.

The globe has been released by the team working on Europe's Goce satellite.

It is a highly exaggerated rendering, but it neatly illustrates how the tug we feel from the mass of rock under our feet is not the same in every location.


Sir Richard Branson may have already branded his Necker Nymph aero submarine with the "Virgin Oceanic" moniker, but he's now finally taken things to the next logical (and ambitious) step. He's just announced a new, full-fledged venture of the same name, which promises to do to nothing short of dive to the deepest part of each of the Earth's five oceans -- all within the next two years, no less.


Trying on the headsets that can read your mind

"Burn, burn!" I think, as I glare at the laptop in front of me. "Hurry up and burn!" No, I've not had a tech-support meltdown – I'm trying out MindWave, the latest device from brain-computer interface (BCI) firm NeuroSky, based in San Jose, California. On screen is a virtual barrel of gunpowder that I'm attempting to ignite by concentrating my attention, but I'm finding it hard to link my thoughts to fanning the animated flames.

"I sing a song in my head," suggests Tansy Brook, head of communications at NeuroSky – thinking of the lyrics helps her concentrate. She explains that it can take some time to train your thoughts to the system, but I really have no idea what I should be thinking about.

The device reading my thoughts is a lightweight headset with a band that reaches halfway across my forehead, at the end of which is a single electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor that Brook says is nearly as accurate as medical-grade devices, but at a fraction of the cost. It detects the strength of my beta and alpha brainwaves, which correspond to my attention and relaxation levels, and transmits them wirelessly to the laptop.



Retired shuttles find new homes

Dark matter could make planets habitable


Researchers Succeed in Quantum Teleportation of Light Waves

In a real-life use of Schrödinger's theoretical paradoxical cat, researchers report that they were able to quickly transfer a complex set of quantum information while preserving its integrity. The information, in the form of light, was manipulated in such a way that it existed in two states at the same time, and it was destroyed in one spot and recreated in another. The new breakthrough is a major step toward building safe, effective quantum computers.

No felines were harmed in the making of this experiment, which actually studied wave packets of light that existed in a state of quantum superposition, meaning they existed in two different phases simultaneously. This phenomenon is described in Erwin Schrodinger’s quantum mechanics thought experiment, in which a cat is simultaneously dead and alive, depending on the state of a subatomic particle.

In this experiment, researchers in Australia and Japan were able to....

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Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year.Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.


THIS YEAR, Earth Day's theme is themed after A Billion Acts of Green: our people-powered campaign to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy before Rio +20. Check out the cool new Billion Acts of Green Facebook app on


And see what 2011 Earth Day is about and what you can do to inspire the community



Be the first to see the breathtaking new animated adventure, Mia and the Migoo, and help us plant trees! GKIDS is donating 100% of Earth Day weekend ticket proceeds to The Canopy Project to plant trees in deforested areas around the globe.

Goto and check when the show is about to hit your city.

Created from an astonishing 500,000 hand-painted frames of animation, MIA AND THE MIGOO is a beautiful and thrilling family adventure, with stunning backgrounds inspired by Van Gogh, Monet, and Cezanne. The film is a man-against-nature fable, pitting wild-haired young heroine Mia against the forces of destruction, with the future of life on Earth in the balance.


Friday, June 3, 2011

The First New Home For Humans

The world -- located 20 light-years from Earth -- might sustain liquid water, but it would be a very alien place to visit.

A rocky world orbiting a nearby star has been confirmed as the first planet outside our solar system to meet key requirements for sustaining life, scientists said on Monday.

Modeling of planet Gliese 581d shows it has the potential to be warm and wet enough to nurture Earth-like life, they said.

It orbits a red dwarf star called Gliese 581, located around 20 light years from Earth, which makes it one of our closest neighbors.

Gliese 581d orbits on the outer fringes of the star's "Goldilocks zone", where it is not so hot that water boils away, nor so cold that water is perpetually frozen. Instead, the temperature is just right for water to exist in liquid form.


First Commercial Quantum Computer

Whether or not D-Wave has actually built a quantum computer is still a matter of debate (though, a study authored by the company and published in Nature claims to prove its success) but, whatever it is these crafty Canadians have created, you can order one now and start crunching qubits with abandon. The D-Wave One is the first commercially available quantum computer and, while its 128-qubit processor can only handle very specific tasks and is easily outperformed by traditional CPUs, it could represent a revolution in the field of supercomputing. As D-Wave scales up to thousands or tens-of-thousands of qubits, complex number theory problems and advanced cryptographic systems could crumble before the mighty power of quantum annealing... or at least give us faster Google searches.

First solar-powered international flight

Solar Impulse completes first solar-powered international flight, Captain Piccard returns to earth...

We're big fans of charming, ungainly Solar Impulse, and of Captain Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg's quest to circumnavigate the globe in a solar-powered plane. In case you missed the live stream: the Swiss flier just got a little closer to that goal by completing its first international flight, taking off near Berne, Switzerland and landing in Brussels, Belgium, just under 13 hours later. That's half the flight time of an earlier test, in which the craft's 200-foot wingspan, covered with 12,000 photovoltaic solar cells, kept it aloft for 26 hours. Of course, a controlled test flight is one thing -- making solar-powered flight commercially viable means proving your plane can successfully navigate busy airspace.

Video available too. Click on the following link...