
Friday, September 11, 2009

BEng (Honours) - Electronic Engineering - Sheffield Hallam University

BEng (Honours) - Electronic Engineering - Sheffield Hallam University

All organisations, from hospitals and factories to banks, offices and small industrial concerns, increasingly depend on electronic technology. This technology is used in everything from production to administration and financial control.

This degree develops the specialised technical skills needed by employers in these fields.

You study electronic engineering, computing and electronic systems, while concentrating on the principles of electronic engineering. You also gain an appreciation of company structure and quality control.

The course includes specifics about systems applications, and software and hardware technologies. Other studies include computer modelling and mathematics for electronic engineering.

You learn the principal themes of • digital and analogue electronics • electronic systems design • signal processing • engineering analysis. These themes support further study of specialist applications of electronics to computer, communication and control systems. You can also design and build working devices, and evaluate commercial electronic products.

The course is vocational and produces engineers who can meet the needs of the wide range of industries that use new technology. The ever developing application of technology means there is a growing demand for engineering graduates.

All students take the first year core modules. These provide a common foundation of engineering principles, knowledge and key skills, while addressing the areas of engineering applications and personal skills development.

It also allows you to change your mind about which course you want to study at the end of the first year.

Mature students with relevant work experience and international students normally take the three year route.

You work in our electronic laboratories designing hardware and developing your practical skills.

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