
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Bermuda Triangle

From the book, mysteries of the world, these are theories and attempts at explanation of bermuda triangle. The following theories have been proposed:

1) Aliens from Venus have built a base some 3000 feet deep under the ocean where pressure conditions correspond to those on their home planet. They use strong magetic fields that cause matter to dematerialize.

2) the lost continent of Atlantis lies under this part of the sea. Atlantis sank during an inundation that followed an ancient atomic war.

3) the laws of physic work differntly here becuase of a disturbance in teh time-space continuum. The objects that disappeared reappear in the future in the past in another part of hte world or alternately can be found floating around the universe.

4) The effects of the mysterious "philadelphia Experiment" conducted by the US Navy in 1943 are reponsible.

5) Aliens have kidnapped people and taken objects back to their planet for study.

6) Aliens from a desert planet come here to soak up water, inadvertently sucking up hapless ships and airplanes at the same time.

7) A colony of unknow, human-like beings lives underwater here. They are reponsible for all of these events.

8) there is a kind of hole in the firmament directly over this area. This causes space to curve, pulling everyting that passes beneath it out into space.

9) Unknown, highly readioactive gases are emitted here from the center of the earth, destroying ships and airplanes adn inducing a trance-like state in people.

Eventhough i love the alien theory: soaking up water and sucking up ships and airplanes, for me it a tied between 4 and 9. what are ur theories?

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